On Sun, Dec 07, 2014 at 08:29:48PM +1100, Riley Baird wrote:

> On 07/12/14 20:20, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> > Riley Baird said:
> >> As for why I want to create the distro, I think that OpenBSD has
> >> excellent security, and I would like to create a version without the
> >> binary-only microcode included.
> > 
> > Isn't it easier to just do
> > 
> >  # cd /mnt/etc; tar czf firmware{.tgz,}; rm -R firmware
> > 
> > from bsd.rd after installer exits?
> Yes, it definitely would be. You'd also need to change the installer
> script such that fw_update is not run on first boot. I've removed the
> firmware from my own system already. Also, it would be nice to be able
> to build the source tree without requiring the firmware files to exist.
> However, remember that if someone doesn't know much about OpenBSD, they
> will either: a) think that OpenBSD does not contain binary-only firmware
> due to the "Blob-Busters" marketing or b) not know where to look to
> remove it should they wish to

The blobs we do not like are pieces of code running inside the kernel.

Code running on a device is a completely different category.


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