On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 11:50:12 +0200 Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 11:48:16PM -0400, dan mclaughlin wrote:
> > if you want the version that the port build will produce do:
> > 
> > $ (cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc/4.8/ && make _print-packagename)
> > gcc-4.8.4p2
> > 
> > there are alot of options for make that are in bsd.port.mk(5) (although the
> > one i used above is technically an internal make command). you also might
> > have better luck asking these questions on ports@ in the future.
> Bad puppy. Technically what you're looking for is 
> make show=PKGNAMES

good to know. i stumbled across that when i was trying to figure that out
before, and sometimes it's easier to read code than documentation. i was
interestingly enough just now updating those scripts anyway (like literally
opened it up right before i got this, for reasons unrelated to this thread...)

> which will give you everything in a clean, unchanging way...

well i may not have been clear enough on that point, but i thought it was
implied that since it was internal it was not documented, and thus ...

> (especially since ffx is likely to want C++ on top of C.

this may have something to do with his original problem.

> You don't even have to change directory...
> nausicaa$ SUBDIR=lang/gcc/4.8 make show=PKGNAMES
> ===> lang/gcc/4.8
> gcc-4.8.4p2 g95-4.8.4p1 gobjc-4.8.4p1 g++-4.8.4p1 libstdc++-4.8.4p1 
> gcj-4.8.4p1 gnat-4.8.4p1

but you still have to be in /usr/ports. personally i am used to the '(cd ...)'
construct myself for other things so it is easier for me. but i understand
your meaning, you're just expounding upon the subtleties of the system.

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