> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 09. März 2017 um 09:43 Uhr
> Von: "Stuart Henderson" <s...@spacehopper.org>
> An: misc@openbsd.org
> Betreff: Re: Please: Is there ANY chance that Linux binaries might run
> On 2017-03-07, Stefan Wollny <stefan.wol...@web.de> wrote:
> > at home this is the way I go, too. But I have to travel to my client's
> > place (by train!) and when working in the evening in the hotel room like
> > tonight (as I have to leave the office building by 8 pm at the latest)
> > it is somewhat inconvenient to take a second laptop with me.
> Is qemu any good for this or is it too slow?
I am not at all familiar with qemu but doesn't this imply to run Win* on my

> Otherwise the easiest way at present is probably to dual-boot or boot
> Linux from a USB stick, or run it on a remote system.
Shorthandedly this is my way to get the job done: Installed Linux on a
USB3-Stick with dd-comand from iso. Runs acceptably fast. Just need to switch
from BIOS to UEFI.

The only thing I noticed: Working at some distance to the WLAN access point
with OpenBSD I have a connection but not with Linux though using the same
hardware (iwm0).
Another good reason to stick with OpenBSD and donate (already I miss the
anticipation of receiving another set of CDs).

> Additionally, while the answer to "is there any chance...." is no, the
> answer to "any chance 32-bit Linux binaries will run on OpenBSD/amd64"
> would be "hell no".
Is it correct then to imply that 64-bit binaries might run?

> > Yes - I will (again) contact SoftMaker trying to persuade them to
> > provide an OpenBSD-version of their office suite. But they seem to have
> > none with some decent Unix/OpenBSD-knowledge, just Linux. Sigh...
> They'll need a new binary for every OS uodate, and a different one for
> 32/64 bit. While I'd love to see it (I paid for softmaker office and prefer
> it over libreoffice or MSWord), I think this is unrealistic.
Yupp - I know why I asked here. I've used it on OpenBSD until Linux-compat was
gone and everytime I tried to work with LibreOffice since I missed Softmake's
office tools even more.
(BTW - if the city of Munich had chosen to use Softmaker's office with LiMux I
bet there would habe been less complaints about compatability with
M$-documents. My 2c.)

Just to be clear: LibreOffice is accaptable as long as it is LibreOffice

Even though I am aware of the implications that come with an OpenBSD-version
for Softmaker I will still ask - sometimes one has to try the unrelistic to
make a progress. ;-)
(As they support Mozilla's Thunderbird I hope they will at least listen before
saying NO.)

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