On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 12:57:59PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > On Sat, 11 Mar 2017, ropers wrote:
> > > Was 32-on-64 compatibility somehow easier to achieve on the Linux side? 
> > > Or did they just keep throwing code and more code at the problem because 
> > > they felt they really, really had to have this? It's that kind of idle 
> > > curiosity. If nobody's interested in explaining or hearing this 
> > > explained, then sorry for the noise.
> > 
> > There's (at least) three parts to such compat for the kernel:
> > 
> >  1) the low-level kernel<->userspace boundary handling.
> >     A 32-bit process has a different pmap, adding code and requiring the 
> >     uvm layer to indirect or test which is in play for its operations. The 
> >     syscall/trap interface is quite different too; amd64 is sooooo much 
> >     nicer for syscall entry and %fs/%gs handling than i386.  You don't 
> >     want that shit in your nice 64bit kernel!
> > 
> >  2) ABI mapping
> >     So you called some syscall and it has the result to copy out to 
> >     userspace.  Oh wait, which ABI is this process using, the 64bit ABI 
> >     that matches the kernel's structure layouts or a completely different 
> >     ABI that requires checking for overflow and then repacking structures 
> >     to match the 32bit ABI?  Yay, we get to think about that every time we 
> >     do copyin/copyout!  Let's see, 490 calls to those two functions in 119 
> >     files (not counting sys/arch/*).  OSes that support this tend to 
> >     introduce an abstraction layer to reduce the number of those that are 
> >     needed, but that's still cognitive load.
> > 
> >  3) interprocess handling
> >     a) 64bit -> 32bit
> >        You weren't really planning on having gdb64 and gdb32, so at least 
> >        ptrace() has to be capable to letting a 64bit process manipulate a 
> >        32bit process.  Go look at FreeBSD's sys/kern/sys_process.c for 
> >        example and examine the COMPAT_FREEBSD32 blocks.  They've done it, 
> >        obviously, but it's not simple, beautiful code.  A comment like
> > 
> >  * This CPP subterfuge is to try and reduce the number of ifdefs in
> >  * the body of the code.
> > 
> >        is a warning that feature is costing you a chunk.
> > 
> >     b) 32bit -> 64bit
> >        Maybe you ban 32bit ptrace() of 64bit processes (most do IIRC), but 
> >        you still want 32bit processes to be able to use sysctl(KERN_PROC) 
> >        and see 64bit processes
> > 
> > 
> > Implementations have jumped through all those hoops, but at what cost in 
> > complexity and security holes, and there *have* a been a bunch!  A google 
> > search for "security hole in 32bit compat" immediately turned up this 
> > article:
> >     https://lwn.net/Articles/406466/
> > 
> > Adding "FreeBSD" or "NetBSD" to the search turns up hits for them too.  
> > This stuff is *hard* and the benefit is...?
> > 
> > Nope, don't want it.
> Thanks Philip.
> By the way the history of OS compat in *BSD is interesting.
> Chris Torek built his LBL sparc code to the SunOS ABI.  It was
> incomplete.  But enough to bring the system up.
> I pulled his sparc code into NetBSD.  At the time NetBSD was
> transition and even extending the machine-independent system call API
> in the not-yet-released 4.4BSD-lite2, rather than having every
> architecture contain it's own table.
> Torek's API wasn't good enough to handle structures which needed
> modification on the way to/from kernel/userland, so I created the idea
> of a zone on the stack where arguments could be tweaked before being
> passed on.
> Thus was born the first real compat layer.  Compat HPUX was created
> very soon, then compat for SCO Unix, some FreeBSD compat, and then
> Linux compat which was far nastier because their socket system calls
> had been added in a really adhoc fashion.
> There's another problem Philip hasn't brought up.
>   4) The people who rely on the compat layers don't care enough to
>      maintain it.  The people who work on the mainline system don't
>      care about the compat layers because they don't use them.  The
>      cultures aren't aligned in the same direction.  Compat layers
>      rot very quickly.

Although I don't use compat, this is incredibly interesting information
from both Phillip and Theo.  Thanks to both of you.

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