On Thu, May 09, 2019 at 12:52:18PM +0300, Mihai Popescu wrote:

Still wondering what "great desktop experience" means ...

Bullshit, that's what it means.

In nearly 20 years on mailing lists and on the internet, I don't
remember to have ever seen anyone asking such a stupid question like
the one in the subject line. Ever.

The OP doesn't seem to have the slightest grip on the fact that it's
everyone's own job to configure and set up their "Desktops", just the
way they want to have it. Or, alternatively, he expects the OBSD
developers to fulfill his lazy wishes so he just can sit and wait see
his "great desktop experience" roll onto his computer, freshly made -
and at no cost, for sure - by the OBSD coders.  Mindbogglingly stupid,
an impudent, this idea ..


OpenBSD: "software we primarily develop for ourselves -- in the
hope that other people are like us and need similar things."
 -- Theo de Raadt

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