On 1/23/07, stupidmail4me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've checked and I've checked and I've checked. Please

I have an OpenBSD 4.0 firewall on a public network,
let's say It serves as a firewall/NAT box for
an internal network,

There's a server located behind that box, say, I need to create a VPN to that server.
(No, simply using a ssh tunnel won't work for various

Is it possible to create a VPN from an outside Windows
XP Pro machine to our private network using IPSEC?
I've read the man pages and they all say how to create
a VPN between two OpenBSD boxes. Fine, but that's not
what I need. There was a page on openbsd.cz that's not
there anymore.

Please, please help!

You mean, how to set up IPSec on windows? 1 second on google found me:
Have fun


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