On 4:12 pm 01/23/07 "test" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Think the other way around.  I'd like to be able to configure my
> OpenBSD firewall to also act as a "VPN Gateway", so I can connect to
> that from XP Pro remotely using the external IP, so I can access
> resources inside my network. I used to use a Server 2003 box sitting
> inside the network, but have since turned that box into a FC5
> workstation.
> I'd looked all over for a way to do that but can't seem to make it
> work.

I found Poptop on OpenBSD to be a good solution. It is most probably not as
secure/configurable as IPSec but if you just like to use default Windows XP
tools and access resources inside the corporate network from the Internet
etc. it may be worth looking into. At a client site, I set up IPSec,
OpenVPN, and Poptop and the admins there prefer poptop due to the lower
overhead in configuring XP. It is in the packages as well so very easy to
set up and test.


> ________________________________
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Nick Guenther
> Sent: Tue 1/23/2007 4:51 PM
> To: OpenBSD-Misc
> Subject: Re: VPN
> On 1/23/07, stupidmail4me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I've checked and I've checked and I've checked. Please
> >  help!
> >
> >  I have an OpenBSD 4.0 firewall on a public network,
> >  let's say It serves as a firewall/NAT box for
> >  an internal network,
> >
> >  There's a server located behind that box, say,
> > I need to create a VPN to that server.
> >  (No, simply using a ssh tunnel won't work for various
> >  reasons!)
> >
> >  Is it possible to create a VPN from an outside Windows
> >  XP Pro machine to our private network using IPSEC?
> >  I've read the man pages and they all say how to create
> >  a VPN between two OpenBSD boxes. Fine, but that's not
> >  what I need. There was a page on openbsd.cz that's not
> >  there anymore.
> >
> >  Please, please help!
> You mean, how to set up IPSec on windows? 1 second on google found me:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/network/ipsec/default.mspx
> Have fun
> -Nick
> !DSPAM:1,45b68e2e102821879814018!

Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited
59 Flamingo Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0X6
Phone +1 (204) 885-9535, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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