I do apologize in advance if this is not appropriate discussion for this
list, but I've been having problems with my PS3 sitting behind my
OpenBSD 4.0 machine with pf using nat.

Until I do some more "reverse engineering" (in a sense) on how this
retarded PS3 actually works on a network, I won't bother asking any
technical questions about why something may or may not be working.

Rather, my question is, have any of you successfully configured pf to
allow your PS3 to join hosted games more than 0.1 percent of the time?
If you feel this is unfit for discussion on misc@, feel free to just
email me directly.  Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
Of stupidmail4me
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:06 PM
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: VPN

I've checked and I've checked and I've checked. Please

I have an OpenBSD 4.0 firewall on a public network,
let's say It serves as a firewall/NAT box for
an internal network,

There's a server located behind that box, say, I need to create a VPN to that server.
(No, simply using a ssh tunnel won't work for various

Is it possible to create a VPN from an outside Windows
XP Pro machine to our private network using IPSEC?
I've read the man pages and they all say how to create
a VPN between two OpenBSD boxes. Fine, but that's not
what I need. There was a page on openbsd.cz that's not
there anymore.

Please, please help!

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