I have a new laptop.

It came with Vista on it. I used gpartd to resize those partions, and added
Ubuntu. Now I want to add OpenBSD, and FreeBSD. I'd like to do OpenBSD

When I boot the 4.1 CD, I get to the partioning step, and I am confused.
Since I can't figure out how to capture the screen imafe from a machine
booted off of the CD. I'll show you what Linux's cfdisk shows.

Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)
  sda1                    Primary   Unknown (27)                  10479.01 
  sda2        Boot        Primary   FAT16            []           31453.48
  sda3                    Primary   Linux ReiserFS                39999.54
  sda5                    Logical   Linux swap / Solaris           3997.49
  Logical   Free Space                                            74109.78

How can I acomplish this?

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