If he really hated what we do, he should stop using OpenSSH.  He says
    he uses it.  He should not.  We are horrible people; he should not use
    our software.

I don't hate what you do.  I don't hate OpenBSD.  I have a specific
criticism of one point about OpenBSD, but that is not hatred.  I
appreciate many of the good things that OpenBSD does for free

I don't think that you are horrible.  You are behaving rather badly to
me, but that's just a small part of what you are as a person; I would
not judge you overall based on that.  (I also would not reject a free
program because of personal disapproval of its developer.)

It looks like you really believe I hate you and really believe I think
the OpenBSD developers are horrible.  But that does not come from me.
I wish you could see that.

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