Ring of Stallmanism, not free software.
"Brainwashing Includes the Acceptance of Conflicting Information"

"TEST: If you believe government social programs can eliminate poverty you are brainwashed."

"Brainwashed Individuals Can Have Obsessive Compulsive Debating Disorder"

"Brainwashers Have a Obsessive Compulsive Controlling Disorder"

More brainwashing information on cults:

A member of a cult should..

"-Donate major amounts of time and effort to the group,
 -Uncritically accept its teachings,
 -Conform to their behavioral restrictions and
 -Make a permanent commitment to remain in the cult."


What do the cults spend time doing..

"-Recruiting large numbers of young people into their religious groups,
  by using deceptive techniques.
 -Subjecting them to severe mind-control processes that were first
  developed in communist countries, and subsequently developed by NRMs
  to a much higher level of refinement.
 -Destroying their followers' ability to think critically and to make
  independent decisions."

"...cult leaders offer simple solutions to the increasingly complex world problems we all face daily. They offer the simple path to happiness, to success, to salvation by following their simple rules, simple group regimentation and simple total lifestyle. Ultimately, each new member contributes to the power of the leader by trading his or her freedom for the illusion of security and reflected glory that group membership holds out."

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