2008/1/19, bofh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Jan 18, 2008 4:28 PM, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/18/08, Sunnz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > From what I understand, if foo isn't the last hard link to the file,
> > > and `rm foo` will NOT delete the file...
> >
> > what does it matter if somebody keeps a link to it?  if you have idiot
> > users who insist on using broken software, you have bigger problems.
> > what if they download the old version and compile it themselves?
> I think he means sshd.  And it really doesn't matter, once you make install,
> you'll overwrite the vulnerable copy with the new one, and all the hardlinks
> won't matter, because they'd be linked to the new file.

Nice, that's interesting to know.

> If you're worried about someone writing a program that'll walk the entire
> drive and find all the sectors that were in use, and attempt to string them
> together - think about it for a while, is this truly a problem for you?  If
> it is, either hire someone (or convince someone) to write a program to wipe
> this out for you, or choose another OS where such a program exist.

Nope. It is not so about worrying... really, I am more curious about
if such thing script/program exist or not, or what the security
implication are all about - after reading all those delete free space

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