bofh P=P0P?P8QP0:
On Jan 19, 2008 1:27 PM, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/18/08, bofh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think he means sshd.  And it really doesn't matter, once you make
you'll overwrite the vulnerable copy with the new one, and all the
won't matter, because they'd be linked to the new file.
except that they won't.  the point of a hard link is it points to the
file, not the name.  it's not a symlink.

I don't get what you're talking about.  If you overwrite the file
(vulnerable sshd) with a new one, the file gets replaced.  All the hardlinks
would point to the new file.

$ uname -a
OpenBSD 4.1 GENERIC#0 i386
$ echo apple > test
$ ln test test2
$ ls -l test*
-rw-r--r--  2 tai  wheel  6 Jan 19 19:43 test
-rw-r--r--  2 tai  wheel  6 Jan 19 19:43 test2
$ cat test test2
$ echo orange > test2
$ cat test
$ echo apples > apples
$ echo bananas > bananas
$ ln bananas whats_cooking
$ mv bananas oranges
$ echo oranges > oranges
$ cat whats_cooking

$ echo apples > apples
$ echo bananas > bananas
$ ln -s bananas whats_cooking
$ mv bananas oranges
$ cat whats_cooking
cat: whats_cooking: No such file or directory
$ echo bananas > bananas
$ cat whats_cooking

Mmmmmmm, yummy! Do you get it now? man ln(1) - it's all there.

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