L. V. Lammert wrote:
On Thu, 7 Feb 2008, Marco Peereboom wrote:

Works for me and has for years.  You would not see these emails if it

What you forget here is that "most" don't adhere to standards.

Didn't say it wouldn't work, .. but I, for one, don't want to have to call
someone to make sure they get my email.

Bottom line - there are many more issues to an setting up an email server
than the machine itself. If you want to hack a setup together [lacking one
of the DNS requirements like reverse lookup], it's important to know that
your email *MIGHT* not get through, and there's nothing you can do about

Yes there is, but lots of good point have been raise here, including ISP that block ports that frankly they really should on connection for cable model for example, or home connection. Every ISP should just do it, and spam and virus propagation via emails would see a huge decline.

I run an ISP and the point is that all that say, you should change ISP because of that, always forget the fact that 99% of the home users have no clue what they do and even less protect their computers.

In most case, I even provide firewall free, not because I wouldn't love to get the income, I sure would love and need it, but the bottom line is that users need to be protected against their own stupidity really.

Any why do I do that, because it does protect all the other users on my network as well as on the Internet, that's why.

But also, anytime a user wants to run a mail server, or what ever at home, I have no problem with that and will always do rDNS for them as well as forward DNS too. And, I will sure hell not bill you for it. I was surprise to see Marco would be charge $5/month for that!

The only requirements I have are pretty simple and that's in the contract as well. If you SPAM, I cut you off. No question asked and I will notify you to clean it up. If you are not responsible and I had rare case, but I did in the pass, I will simply terminate your contract and you go else where.

You want to setup servers, no problem and in some cases, I will even help you or suggest things. As long as it is safe, properly configure and you act responsibly, then never will you ear from me.

Sadly, almost every single ISP do not act responsibly and sadly as well, with how things are at times, they can't or do not have the resources to do so.

And in the end, very sadly Marco is right and it will work in most cases, why. Because most ISP just do not do it right, or care anymore and in some cases, believe it or not, they don't even know!

And, don't forget something as well. Part of the problem is also some users will beat everyone to death for saving one buck here and there and as such, many ISP just can't care anymore as much as they used to, if they did in the first place.

How many users will complain and report SPAM to their ISP or others and these same one are also complaining if they are asked to clean their setup by their ISP, or block because their server got hacked and their ISP cut them off until the clean it up.

In the end, it's a joint responsibility if you want and you need to find the right ISP that will work with you and help you as well, but these are not the cheapest one either and you need to asked yourself the question, what are you really looking for.

You want cheap, then you get cheap, you want good, then don't expect to pay the lowest price.

Anyway, I have been doing it for 15 years and I always get the same thing. Users what cheap and it takes time to built trust and confidence, but when it's there, they go no where and all my clients I get them by word of mouth only and they stay for years. Make that > 10 years.

You get what you pay for in the end, but also if you do your job right and you have the right ISP, they will work with you and if they don't then change.



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