On 2008-09-20, Kendall Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got an alix2c2 which I'm hoping to install openbsd on. Is there
> a way to upgrade it's bios and install openbsd on it from openbsd?

someone mentioned working on it, but nothing further..

> I see instructions for upgrading the bios using freedos, so I got
a CF card reader and used instructions to install freedos from
windows xp, but when I boot the alix it complains "invalid system

the LBA image on http://www.pcengines.ch/freedos.htm usually
works ok.

> If I were able to upgrade the bios, I don't know how I will
actually install openbsd on the disk.

man pxeboot

> Aside from transfering files using Xmodem

you wouldn't be able to do that anyway.

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