On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 09:09:20PM -0500, patric conant wrote:
> I'm confused, the encrypted volume cannot be backed up without a key?

Sure, I could backup the encrypted volume.  However, I'd rather back the
data up as an unencrypted directory along with everything else.  

I don't know what's involved in e.g. restoring an accidentally deleted
file from within an encrypted volume.  I guess I'd treat it like a
tarball in that its a file, mount it somewhere using the usual key and
retreive the file, mount the user's encrypted volume and copy the file
back where it belongs.

Its likely that its me that's confused.  Since what I'm contemplating
doesn't seem to be mainstream, I'm assuming that backup and restore
procedures aren't mainstream (e.g. have the kinks worked out) either.
That assumption could be invalid.


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