On 3/2/2010 12:32 PM, Marc Espie wrote:

No, it's more complicated than that. It obviously installs mk stuff, then
include, then it builds libs and install them, then it builds everything
else and installs it.

It's not a complicated bootstrap procedure like in freebsd land, it assumes
you already have a mostly working system (for instance, it takes no precautions
for compiler bootstrap).

follow release(8), find out the step you missed (most likely make obj) and
proceed from there. You definitely want a clean build before you play

(snide remark: you think you're smart, so you took shortcuts. Well, think
again. And anyone who can follow instructions can actually build OpenBSD
fairly easily. ;-) )

I missed building "make obj" on a few occasions. It happens if you are typing in things too quickly, or it's late at night. I got into the habit of using a script that I built from the faq to build each (kernel, userland, X).

The most recent thing I did was move /usr/obj, /usr/xobj/, /usr/build, and /tmp to a ramdisk to allow for faster building, and also began using the "-j" on make. I forgot that I could do that. Makes things way faster. But I only did the scripting and changes when I knew what I was doing, and I had enough RAM.

for example, here is my script to build my kernel:


cd /usr/obj
rm -rf *
cd /usr/xobj
rm -rf *
cd /usr/build
rm -rf *
cp /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/GENERIC.MP .
config -s /usr/src/sys -b . GENERIC.MP
make clean && make depend && make && make install

after I pull /usr/src successfully, then I issue "./build_kernel && reboot"

the caveat is that if something in the build ever were to change, I'd be SOL, but I am a frequent visitor to the FAQ, and I'm always checking "follow -current" (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html) to see if anything might cause me issues...

The "make(1) update" issue caught me initially, as I started a build before I checked the site, but I saw the change, and then everything was good.

I will admit to some abject terror when I first tried building from source, but it's like falling asleep... it's that easy. The devs make it quite painless.


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