On Thu, 27 May 2010 10:51:52 +0200
Landry Breuil <landry.bre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You only need to mirror two releases and snapshots (as stated on
> ftp.html) to become an official mirror.. having all releases is a
> bonus, and very few mirrors have them (iirc, only ftp.su.se).
> Besides, you'll need to synch from a second level mirror (ftp.eu aka
> ftp.su.se,
> from which most european mirrors fetch), primary only allows fetching
> to trusted mirrors ran by developers.
> Another second level mirror should pop up soon in .ch.
> Landry

Looks, like you are wrong...

"Depending on the disk space available, mirrors may provide more
contents, such as snapshots, older releases, current source tree, etc. "

May = not mandatory.


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