On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 01:28:45PM +0200, Carsten Otto wrote:
> It seems there is a lot of discussion about problems that seem not to
> appear with other projects. I do not want to take part in these
> discussions. Therefore I offer the following solution (which is a
> solution from my point of view, yours may differ):

It's a fine solution. And thanks for mirroring!

>  - I offer as much storage as you want (in reasonable limits), the
>    current size of about 800 GByte is fine with me.

That is more than necessary.

>  - Clarify what data should be mirror by _my_ mirror (your choice!).
>  - If possible, focus on data that is useful. We offer the mirror to
>    help people download data they need, not as an archive solution for
>    data which is not needed by the users.

Don't bother mirroring the following:

/pub/OpenBSD/[23].*     (old stuff)
/pub/OpenBSD/4.[01234]  (more old stuff)
/pub/OpenBSD/cvs        (people will get src.tar.gz/use AnonCVS)
/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles  (ports only look at ftp.{usa.,}openbsd.org [1])

All other data is either pretty useful or very small. Feel free to drop
/pub/OpenBSD/4.5 as well - it's not supported anymore, and people really
shouldn't be using it.

OpenBSD is released on a twice-yearly cycle, and only the last two
releases are supported. So you could drop /pub/OpenBSD/4.6 in about six
months, and so on.

>  - Tell me where I can get this data using rsync (preferably fast).

Any of the second-level mirrors. I'd pick the fastest of
rsync://anga.funkfeuer.at/OpenBSD and


[1] If you're interested: distfiles/ contains copies of the tarballs
etc. used to build all third-party software which can be used on
OpenBSD. This is extremely useful if the site hosting this software goes
down or the maintainers decide to free up some space.

However, the scripts actually building this software only look at
ftp.openbsd.org and ftp.usa.openbsd.org for the distfiles/ folder. Thus,
mirroring it is not very useful.

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