Dear all,

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:20:35AM +0200, Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
> Moreover, www@ is the correct place to discuss that.

I did write to www@ initially and got no response. Furthermore, someone
in some IRC channel told me _this_ list is the appropriate place for
this matter. Without proper information on the mirror site it is not
that obvious how to talk about mirror stuff.

It seems there is a lot of discussion about problems that seem not to
appear with other projects. I do not want to take part in these
discussions. Therefore I offer the following solution (which is a
solution from my point of view, yours may differ):

 - I offer as much storage as you want (in reasonable limits), the
   current size of about 800 GByte is fine with me.
 - Clarify what data should be mirror by _my_ mirror (your choice!).
 - If possible, focus on data that is useful. We offer the mirror to
   help people download data they need, not as an archive solution for
   data which is not needed by the users.
 - Tell me where I can get this data using rsync (preferably fast).

I will await your answers in this matter. Until then the content at (and all the other addresses)
remains as it is right now.

Best regards,
Carsten Otto 
LuFG Informatik 2
RWTH Aachen            phone: +49 241 80-21211

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