> On 07.09.2019 12:53, Ede Wolf wrote:
> Excellent idea, however, the error stays the same. No change, despite copying 
> the whole opensmtpd folder to /usr/local/libexec
> result=TempFail stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: No such file or 
> directoryconnect")

I purposefully mistyped the Dovecot LMTP socket in my config and got the same 

Sep  7 13:26:28 host smtpd[26873]: 7cde0d1cf207f8f3 mda delivery 
evpid=b96774ed55a5492e from=<> to=<> rcpt=<> user=3 delay=0s result=TempFail 
stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: No such file or directoryconnect")

I suspect your problem is that there is no Cyrus LMTP listening in 

action "deliver" lmtp "/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp" rcpt-to user lmtpd

Do you actually use Cyrus IMAP?

Good luck,

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