Does Zulip has several channels like its counterpart Slack?
Because the lack of several sub-channels per project is Gitter's biggest
drawback to me. It's not much of an issue for small projects, but a big
project like Mixxx can benefit from several sub-channels under the same

2017-11-17 20:59 GMT+01:00 Be <>:

> On 11/17/2017 10:18 AM, Sean M. Pappalardo - D.J. Pegasus wrote:>> We have
> hundreds cross linkes, between GitHub, Forum, Wiki, and
>> Launchpad. Losing this had to be well considered compared to some
>>> missing convenient features.
>> I totally agree. Never mind the work it would take to do a migration,
>> work that would be better spent on Mixxx itself, IMO.
>> So the question is: how much more productive would we be if bug and
>> blueprint tracking was integrated with code hosting? Put another way,
>> how much is the current separation impairing productivity?
>> (Keep in mind that Launchpad supports Git now, so it would be possible
>> to move code hosting back there, solving this particular concern.)
> IMO our biggest issue as a project is a lack of labor. Here we have a
> skilled, motivated new developer coming to us asking why we're still using
> such fragmented and outdated infrastructure. This is coming concurrently
> with a thread on the forum with several people asking the same question.
> Most new contributors lately have been asking this as well. This should be
> a giant red flag! We must modernize our infrastructure soon or we will not
> attract and retain contributors. I do not think it is a question of whether
> we should migrate, it is only a question of what to migrate to.
> IMO having to host our own server for project management is practically a
> non-starter. There's no need to take on this burden, especially consider
> our scarce labor resources. Which pretty much leaves us with either GitHub
> or GitLab. I think we should consider the trajectory of each company and
> software. GitHub was the first to do Git hosting right and has become by
> far the most popular. But I am not such a fan of the way they treat their
> users. It is ironic that a company that thrives on open source repeatedly
> ignored the community so badly for years that it took a widely publicized
> open letter ( ) to get them to
> budge to implement highly requested features for Issues. They still have no
> transparent feature request or development process. Requests for GitHub get
> sent into the void of their official support channel and are not publicized
> and rarely acted upon.
> On the other hand, GitLab is growing very rapidly and shining where GitHub
> is stagnating. Their issue tracker for the server software is public and
> they receive many code contributions to the server software from the
> community. They are very actively engaged with their users and receptive to
> feedback. Prominent open source projects are switching to GitLab, such as
> Debian, GNOME, Inkscape. The company is relatively small but they recently
> received a lot of capital investment and seem to be putting it to good use
> improving their performance and adding new features.
> A lot, if not most, of the stuff on our Launchpad bug tracker is old noise
> with incomplete information. This is not so much a fault of Launchpad as it
> is a collective fault of the project for not using Launchpad effectively.
> I'm questioning if it's even worth importing old data from Launchpad to a
> new system. Doing so would require someone to spend a lot of time manually
> going through ~1500ish old bugs and deciding what to do with them. If we
> start with a clean slate, define a workflow for handling issues, and stick
> to that process, important bugs that still exist in the current code will
> be reported and taken care of.
>> Filing Bug inside Mixxx would be the most convenient solution.
>> Sure. The only problem is that we would have no way to communicate back
>> to the user (since the bug filer would be a bot account) without having
>> to create a separate E-mail thread. That would be quite a step
>> backwards, especially since it's not hard (anymore) to create an LP
>> account. (Plus if we make it too easy to file, we'll get low-quality bug
>> reports.)
> Automated crash reporting with backtraces would be helpful, but I'm pretty
> sure building general bug reporting into the application would lower the
> signal-to-noise ratio on the bug tracker even further.
>> We already have the "submit feedback" Google form which seems to be
>> working well as it has hundreds of responses. (I need to check on how to
>> publish them.) And indeed some are not useful.
>> Launchpad offers to communicate via email. Maybe there is a solution
>>> to send Emails from Mixxx to Launchpad?
> Email sucks. It dates to the very beginning of the Internet and is the
> lowest common denominator. Why is participating via email an important
> feature? One of the reasons GitLab appeals to me is the Todo list feature
> for notifications so I wouldn't need to keep looking at Thunderbird for my
> GitHub notifications.
> On that note, can we get rid of this old SourceForge mailing list that
> appends spam to every post? IRC and phpBB suck too. These are all outdated
> communication technologies. People are not enthusiastic about using them at
> best and don't bother contributing at worst. I think we should consolidate
> to one or two communication media. Zulip is the most appealing to me for
> (semi)-realtime chat and Discourse looks the best for permanent archived
> forums. Gitter is another option for chat, but I like the way Zulip makes
> it easy to separate conversations into organized threads.
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