On 30 Aug 2000, Alexei V. Barantsev wrote:

> Jeff Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > There isn't a Vars() function in CGI.pm. If you're looking for the query 
> > string try param(). Or if you want to make it a mod_perl program (which is 
> > what you would normally discuss on this list) Apache::Request::param().
> > 
> > --Jeff
> There is such a function, Jeff!
> Well, could you advice, how to migrate from CGI.pm to Apache or
> Apache::Request. The matter is that I have used CGI.pm for HTML
> generation primarily and ready to use something another to analyze
> request parameters. But I cannot use CGI and e.g Apache::Request
> simultaneousely - server hangs. Is there some CGI.pm replacement
> intended only for HTML generation in the same manner (which does
> nothing with request, especially POST request)?

CGI.pm 3.x is supposed to have the args processing and html generation
separated. See:
http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/CGI.pm-3.01.tar.gz (beta)

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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