Ah, so there is. I grep'd an older version which didn't since I'd never 
heard of it before.

You use Apache::Request to get query parameters the same way you do with 
CGI.pm's param() method. perldoc Apache::Request.

Did you could try just importing the CGI.pm HTML functions?

Personally, I prefer Template Toolkit for HTML generation. There are other 
templating systems too. Search the archives for discussions on the subject.

Or as Stas suggested, check out the version 3 beta. I've been using it on 
my personal web server for a few months with no problems, though I don't 
use any of the HTML generation features.


At 10:32 AM 8/30/00 +0400, Alexei V. Barantsev wrote:
>Jeff Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > There isn't a Vars() function in CGI.pm. If you're looking for the query
> > string try param(). Or if you want to make it a mod_perl program (which is
> > what you would normally discuss on this list) Apache::Request::param().
> >
> > --Jeff
>There is such a function, Jeff!
>Well, could you advice, how to migrate from CGI.pm to Apache or
>Apache::Request. The matter is that I have used CGI.pm for HTML
>generation primarily and ready to use something another to analyze
>request parameters. But I cannot use CGI and e.g Apache::Request
>simultaneousely - server hangs. Is there some CGI.pm replacement
>intended only for HTML generation in the same manner (which does
>nothing with request, especially POST request)?
>ICQ: 3959207

Jeff Beard
Web:            www.cyberxape.com
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Location:       Boulder, Colorado, USA

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