"Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm baffled by the insistence of everyone on this thread that a bunch of
> static pages like the ones on perl.apache.org should be served by
> mod_perl.  Shall I show you all how to change Apache's headers?  We can
> say we're running mod_perl/2000 for all the difference it will make.

well, my thoughts were in regards to more of a proposed site, that contained
a collection of tutorials (the thread subject?) maintained by various
(hopefully numerous) people, which originate in several formats; a site that
doubled as an advocacy site, and so would benefit from, say, some import and
authoring tools, some remote CVS access for updates, some user management...
in short, some mod_perl.

you're absolutely right that a bunch of static pages like the ones currently
found at perl.apache.org don't need mod_perl.  they are static, hence the
problem.  they don't need user management or remote authoring, because
maintaining the site falls to one or two otherise overworked volunteers, not
a community... hence the problem:  plain, static, and infrequently updated
content doesnt really present much of a image, or do much for advocacy.

> I'm mostly kidding, but really it doesn't seem very important.
> Generating templated pages off-line is a much simpler (and therefore
> easier to build, maintain, mirror, scale, etc.) approach to this kind of
> site.  It's not as if we need to take credit cards in the mod_perl store
> or something.  (Although that would certainly help with the mod_perl bar
> tab at the next ApacheCon.)

that may be true; with the lack of interested folks brian notes volunteering
to help maintain perl.apache.org, what evidence is there to indicate there
would be some huge groundswell of experienced mod_perl tutorial-writers,
site maintainers, graphic designers or whatever volunteering and needing
source-forge-like scalability to run a new site at modperl.org, or a
retooled perl.apache.org?

i guess its something of a chiken-and-egg problem.  which comes first, an
attractive and usable new site that mod_perl programmers will flock to get
accounts on, so that they can contribute self-published articles, reviews
and news?  or the flock needed to build such a site?  my crystal ball clouds


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