At 23:03 13/12/2000 -0500, Drew Taylor wrote:
>> That's all too true. For certain Network Solutions have a service that
>> warns some people that have paid (a lot) when someone checks an address
>> that doesn't exist yet. They offered it to one of the companies I worked
>> for once so I know for sure. 
>Why does this not surprise me? Was it before or after Verisign bought them?

Before, but I don't think that it's going to change much.

>Well, I have registered (through an OpenSRS reseller I might add)
> and .org. If anyone is interested in using them, let me know
>and I can get the DNS taken care of. 

That's really cool :)

-- robin b.
James Joyce -- an essentially private man who wished his total indifference
to public notice to be universally recognized. -- Tom Stoppard

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