On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> Dave Kaufman wrote:
> > 
> > i have to say i really like the look and feel of Matt's take23.org. (and by
> > the way, for those, like me, who can't seem to keep up with reading *every*
> > message on this list... it's take23.ORG.  I went looking for "take23" and i
> > can attest that the cryptic but nicely designed take23.COM, has nothing at
> > all to do with mod_perl on it :-))
> I vaguely remember seeing mockups similar to take23.org as a proposed facelift
> for perl.apache.org. I really liked the design and always wondered why it
> never got used (apart from the manhours to implement the change :-)

There were two designs proposed (those who are on the modperl-site list
have seen both) one from Brian's friend and the other from Robin. None
went into production, till Matt has picked Robin's design, so it fact the
effort wasn't lost...
> > i for one would like to see take23.org become "the place" for people
> > deciding if mod_perl is for them, getting started with it, and keeping up
> > with the latest and greatest.  i did turn my nose up at the banners at
> > first, but on second thought, i'm even more *thoroughly* sick of open-source
> > resource sites that are plain (unintesting, visually) and whose content is
> > stale due to a lackluster (volunteer) maintenance.  so, if some ad-income
> > keeps take23 fresh and useful, i think i could be bothered to remember the
> > URL :-)
> A quick check of nsiregistry.com shows that modperlnews.(com|org|net) are all
> available. 

Too bad for you/us. You can be sure that when you will go to register any
of the above they will be all taken by a reseller. I've mentioned a few
times on this list that one should do atomic buys (tm). If you check and
don't buy in the same assembly opcode, someone else snoops on your search
and will do it for you. The only way to get a domain nowadays is to
check-buy atomically. I have enough examples of people who were
burned. I've lost stas.com 2.5 years ago, because it took me 1 day to
decide that I want to spend $$ on it, well it was taken the next day...

> Those domains are definately a little easier to remember than take23.
> What are some other alternatives to take23.org that would be easier on
> the grey matter?

modperl-1.24-01.com or libapreq.com :)

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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