"Bart Frackiewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Ric,
>> I use mod_perl/apache/soap::lite to create an internal 
>> "application server"
>> so that I can distribute processing load from the public 
>> webserver. This
>> also allows me to expose a soap web service to the public if 
>> I wished to
>> give them direct access to a method on this application server, but of
>> course they would need a soap client to access this service.
>> Do you want to just return an xml to your user, or do you 
>> want to do what I
>> do which is do internal RPC using SOAP.
>in my opinion a web service has another great benefit - you can sperate the logic and 
>the front ends. we have here an application running on php/html, and all the logic is 
>inside this scripts, in case of running on another medium/language (like flash or php 
>for plain html) you must copy all the logic - you can call this a nightmare.
>in this case i think that a solution provides with PRC/SOAP is a good idea, but on 
>every article i read more, i realize that this technology is still young and just 
>experimental (e.g. php 4.x).

To add to the fun :)   (now that my semester is over...)

I mention the following only so you are aware of the possibilities,
not because I think the decision to use SOAP is wrong (I don't think
it is or isn't).

I am working on an application that involves inter-process
communication, of which XML-RPC is an example.  I've decided to break
my IPC needs into two classes: many-to-one or one-to-one, and
one-to-many or many-to-many.  XML-RPC does okay for the first set,
but can't handle in any reasonably scalable manner the second set.
For that, I'm taking a look at Spread [1], which Stas mentioned in
passing on this list a few weeks ago.  Spread also can work
reasonably well, afaik, for many-to-one or one-to-one when the
connection overhead associated with XML-RPC/SOAP becomes significant
(e.g., frequent requests where the return value is not very important
such as log consolidation).

SOAP is a more complicated extension of XML-RPC (don't let the
`Simple' fool you - the spec is anything but simple compared to
XML-RPC -- of course, XML-RPC doesn't support object-orientation).

XML-RPC is actually a fairly mature technology, imho, since it is available
in such a wide range of languages and implementations.  The initial spec
was drawn up in April 1998 [2].  The PHP 4.x implementation is new and
immature [3], but the spec itself is fairly mature.

That said, XML-RPC, SOAP, and Spread all have reasonably simple Perl

[1] http://www.spread.org/

[2] St. Laurent S., Johnston J. and E. Dumbill, _Programming Web Services
with XML-RPC_, O'Reilly (2001).

[3] http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.xmlrpc.php

James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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