I meant between requests in the same thread – it uses persistent connections 
which are bad in a number of ways {e.g. fun with locking if you use it and your 
script dies halfway through, keeps too many connections open and can block the 
database, has issues with secure set ups {firewall between web and servers for 

From: Wesley Peng <wes...@pengfamily.de>
Sent: 08 February 2021 00:29
To: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Re: Moving ExecCGI to mod_perl - performance and custom 'modules' [EXT]

what's DBI sharing? do you mean Apache::DBI?
Does perl has Java similar DB connection pool?


On Mon, Feb 8, 2021, at 4:21 AM, James Smith wrote:
DBI sharing doesn't really gain you much - and can actually lead you into a 
whole world of pain. It isn't actually worth turning it on at all.

We use dedicated DB caching in the cases where we benefit from it as and when 
you need it (low level caching database)...

Although milage may vary - our problem was DB servers with 30 or 40 databases 
on them being connected from a number of approximately 50-100 child apaches, 
meant we ended up blowing up the connections to the database server really 

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Veyron <vv.li...@wanadoo.fr<mailto:vv.li...@wanadoo.fr>>
Sent: 07 February 2021 19:06
To: Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au<mailto:net...@crc.id.au>>
Cc: James Smith <j...@sanger.ac.uk<mailto:j...@sanger.ac.uk>>; 
Subject: Re: Moving ExecCGI to mod_perl - performance and custom 'modules' [EXT]

On Sun, 07 Feb 2021 23:58:17 +1100
Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au<mailto:net...@crc.id.au>> wrote:
> I haven't gotten into the preload or DBI sharing yet - as that'll end
> up needing a bit of a rewrite of code to take advantage of. I'd be
> open to suggestions here from those who have done it in the past to
> save me going down some dead ends :D

I use mod_perl handlers, so not sure how it mixes with PerlRegistry, but you 
probably want to have a look at connect_cached


Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron

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 The Wellcome Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research 
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