I wrote earlier advising that I could not get mod_ssl to work
on a Linux box ... RedHat 5.0 - Kernel 2.0.34.

I have installed SSLeay-0.9.0b and mod_ssl-2.0.10-1.3.1 for
Apache 1.3.1. I installed per INSTALL instructions and the
installation went just fine. I however get nothing with
Netscape Communicator 4.05 except the certificate warning
boxes. After that there is a timeout of about 3-minutes and
then Netscape pops up "Document contains no data".

I have looked high and low, and tried all manner of changes
to the test certificate to get this behavior to change. The
certificate CN has the same as the web server hostname in
the configuration and this hostname is the machines real
primary ethernet interface and Unix hostname.

I have stripped the httpd.conf.dist bare to its stock auto
created version and the problem still persists.

I doubt that SSLeay or mod_ssl are on RedHat Linux anywhere
installed that would conflict, so I am out of ideas. A test
with s_client, as previously suggested I previously posted
results in the following:

* I don't have Lynx-SSL set up anywhere, but, s_client ...
after several minutes tells: read:errno=0
Apache error_log tells: connect: Connection timed out

When I pipe the output of s_client to less so that I can view all
of it, there is verify errors such as:

verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1

verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate

I have done the whole installation over and over again, and
have done "make certificate" and "make install" in the Apache
1.3.1 directory many times trying to get this to work. Not a
thing seems to change this failure to make a complete SSL

Funny thing, I installed from the exact same tar.gz's at home
on another RedHat Linux box with an older kernel, and the
same exact version web server (ok I upgraded to 1.3.1 ;-)
and Lo-and-Behold the one here at home works! I can get the
SSL lock via my local ethernet and I have had someone else
test via the Internet where it worked also.

I sure could use some help ... like someone that can analyze
this at a level deeper than I'd care to go, and tell me what
silly little thing down in a nook or cranny I am looking over
like such a big elephant wearing orange trousers. Could this
thing be looking up reverse-dns or something and is not 
agreeing with the CN I am giving in the certificate? Or is
something with SSL or port 443 broken on two remote machines
of mine that is not broken on the local one here? Why does
Raven Eval 1.2.2 work?

If I can get a response from the author, I will at his
convenience provide any information that is needed to debug
this problem, including if necessary - access to the machine
via secure shell.


Alan G. Spicer (Independant SysAdmin/Webmaster,...)
PS: [fyi the small company contract I currently have is not
wanting to buy Raven or such for just testing this capability.
I already demo'd SSL with Raven's Evaluation 1.2.2. I also
have done Raven for "secure.satelnet.org" long ago. Pardon
me for being new to the SSLeay and mod_ssl. I'm about to
buy Raven myself and then it'll be mine ;-) ]

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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