* Terrence Brannon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040129 00:09]:
> Mark Overmeer wrote:
> >Mail::Box was designed to start with EVERYTHING which the RFCs specify,
> >and ALL uses I know with e-mail.  A very high level library.  And that's
> >quite a lot... And therefore suffers all the same problems as other
> >large modules (like Tk) have: they are hard to understand when you start
> >with them.
> - are you happy that you chose to implement Mail::Box in Perl? Was it a 
> clear favorite in terms of language choice?

Yes.  The power of Perl make such a project doable for someone on his/her
own... it wouldn't be possible to achieve the same in C or Java in such
a short time.

IMO, hardware is cheaper than development time.  Performance is usually
not the problem.

> - was vanilla Perl-OO enough for you? did you consider a prototype-based 
> or role-based  or delegation-based approach to implementing Mail::Box.

I'm not so much into OO terminolgy, but found a nice story on
which states: "Often people use the misnomer 'prototype-based
inheritance' when they really mean delegation-based inheritance"
The article explains class-based, delegation-based, role-based, and
the Reflective Model.

I've done Prolog (role based) a very long time ago, but am more
naturally attracted to the class module. Java makes the world too
obfuscated, IMO, where Perl uses a much simpler syntax.  Of course,
without any protections...

> - I am very pleased that such a complete package is available for free. 


> - it seems that instead of volunteers to ease the burden of your API 
> usage/docs, people are trying to pull the rug out from under you by 
> populating the Email::* hierarchy... oh well.

I am not against different implementations: it all have their own
use.  As long as implementations follow the standards within the
limits of their application.

drs Mark A.C.J. Overmeer                                MARKOV Solutions
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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