This release unfixes a bug.  0.71 fixed a bug where if you ran a use_ok()
inside a BEGIN block without a plan it would silently fail and the test would
continue.  For example...

        use Test::More;

        plan tests => 10;

        BEGIN { use_ok("Some::Module") }

It looks like you planned before the use_ok() test ran, but it's actually run
afterwards because of the BEGIN block.

This turned out to be a pretty common mistake effecting a couple dozen CPAN
modules.  This means the new Test::More causes a bunch of test suites that
previously worked fine to fail.

        You tried to run a test without a plan at - line 5.
        BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 5.
        # Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

Because of this I'm TEMPORARILY rolling the fix back at least a week to give
CPAN authors a little breathing room to make their fixes.  The fix is usually
to plan in a BEGIN block.

0.72  Wed Sep 19 20:08:07 PDT 2007
    Bug unfixes
    * The BEGIN { use_ok } fix for [ 28345] revealed a small pile
      of mistakes in CPAN module test suites.  Rolling the fix back to give
      the authors a bit of time to fix their tests.

0.71  Thu Sep 13 20:42:36 PDT 2007
    Bug fixes
    - Fixed a problem with BEGIN { use_ok } silently failing when there's no
      plan set.  [ 28345]  Thanks Adriano Ferreira and Yitzchak.
    - Fixed an obscure problem with is_deeply() and overloading ==
      [ 20768].  Thanks Sisyphus.

    Test fixes
    - Removed dependency on Text::Soundex [ 25022]
    - Fixed a 5.5.x failure in fail-more.t
    * Got rid of the annoying sort_bug.t test that revealed problems with some
      threaded perls.  It was testing the deprecated eq_* functions and not
      worth the bother.  Now it tests is_deeply().  [ 17791]

    Doc fixes
    - Minor POD mistake in Test::Builder [ 28869]
    * Test::FAQ has been updated with some more answers.

    Install fixes
    - Fixed the "LICENSE is not a known MakeMaker parameter name" warning
      on older MakeMakers for real this time.

Stabbing you in the face so you don't have to.

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