--- chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 19 September 2007 22:46:19 Ovid wrote:
> > This has happened a couple of times now.  Why don't you use release
> > devel versions so that these issues become less serious in the
> future?
> In your experience, do devel versions get the kind of testing that
> would catch these issues sufficiently?
> In my experience, they don't.

For something as high profile as Test::Simple, it would get much more
exposure than most modules.  Plus, there wasn't much in the changelog
which suggested this was a rush OMG Must Deliver Now sort of change (it
had been six months since the last release).

And it would be nice to have this run against a substantial portion of
a minicpan install since breaking the toolchain is a very, very bad
thing to do (as Schwern as *repeatedly* pounded into my head :)


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