On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 03:36:15PM +0000, Ben Morrow wrote:

> Having the full text of the licences available in the distribution seems
> like a good idea, though. How about making it so that 'make dist'/'Build
> dist' creates the files with appropriate contents if they don't exist,
> and throws an error if they do but with the wrong contents?

"Wrong" being measured how?

What if my version of GPL2.txt has an extra CRLF at the end because of
how I cut n pasted it from the GNU website?

How about following the Perl Way of providing great tools that people
*can* use if they want, but not trying to hold their hands too much if
they really want to follow one of the other ways of doing things?

David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

    Wow, my first sigquoting! I feel so special now!
        -- Dan Sugalski

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