On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 5:23 AM, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:36:08AM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
>> On Thursday 30 October 2008, David Cantrell wrote:
>> > That's the bit where I suggest instead of saying, eg, "frobnitz" to mean
>> > "the Frobnitz licence" you say "frobnitz" to mean "the licence whose text
>> > is in the 'frobnitz' file".  That would allow the author to use any licence
>> > he wants.
>> This seems like the road to chaos. Imagine I put "mit" there and mit.txt
>> contains the text of the GPLv3. I think we should have unique identifiers for
>> every licence, and expand them to encompass more licences if necessary, then
>> allow such inconsistent behaviour.
> If you say 'mit' and don't have a 'mit' file that should be an error in
> my scheme.  mit.txt != mit.
> If you're silly enough to put the text of the GPL3 in a file called
> 'mit.txt' then that's your problem.  No such scheme can protect against
> user error.  Your hypothetical is no different from you putting 'mit' in
> the current 'license' field while saying in the POD "blah blah blah GPL3
> blah blah".

Instead of including a COPY of the license in every distro, how about
putting the URL into the META.yml file?  (Or is it URI?  I always get
that mixed up.)  This seems like the sort of thing that URL or URI or
whichever it is would be perfect for.

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