well Bruce's day one is over & I have to say, that there were lots of
surprises & some incredible bargains.

one bargain I was lucky to win was the Orphee french 1 panel.. This
is one of my top ten films and I always watch it with a new
girlfriend . I was shocked that I was able to achieve this poster for
a paltry $515 !! This poster sold for over $2000 at Christies 10
years ago & is fairly rare.. I was willing to pay much more for it &
was lucky to score a Some Like it Hot 1 sh for the bargain price of
$716 with the extra cash I didnt spend on Orphee

there was of course a wonderful supply of Universal horror and I was
almost shocked that Cat People sold for a mere $5555.00 which is a
sharp contrast to the $8000-12000 achieved in other houses like
Heritage in the past year. I was also shocked that Forbidden Planet
sold for a paltry $5866.99 .. hey Lieberman, were you on that??? What
about the Pulp Fiction advance for $390 ???? or the Forbidden Planet
wc for $797..

I'm only looking at the results now, but I can tell that I wish I had
$20-30k to spend.. I coulda had some real fun.


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