I have read all the posts for the last few days and I believe what  Freeman 
wrote was directed at more than one comment and most likely out of  
frustration.  Freeman Fisher is a wonderful person and I have   enjoyed my 
with him (through mopo, buying and selling and just  conversing on the 
He is a great asset to mopo and as Kirby said, more people should  post.  I 
like reading comments even if I disagree with them.  What I  dislike are stupid 
one liners that are meant to be funny but are a total waste  of time.  (Now 
is the time to attack me for that statement but please keep  in mind that I am 
a thick skinned old bird.)    I have loved  every post Freeman has made and 
may he keep doing what he does best, which is  putting words together like no 
one else.  He is in a class by  himself.
Claude L

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