Are you thinking OUT OF THE PAST or more like THAT'S RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG?


On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:13 PM, David Kusumoto wrote:

I "attack" Claude all the time -- via e-mail and on the phone. Of course, each time it takes several months for my broken bones to heal, but I've gotten used to being fitted with many plaster casts, some made out of his own prized plaster statues that he's pulverized/melted down out of guilt. But he more than makes up for it when he and his wife bring out a silver tray filled with glorious food and pastries and wine before he gets all "avuncular" (fatherly/paternal) and apologetic. As I've said before -- in person, Claude is a character right out of an RKO-movie.


Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 21:59:00 -0500
Subject: Re: Freeman Fisher

Anyone who attacks Claude shall do so at their own peril.


On Jul 14, 2008, at 9:16 PM, Claude Litton wrote:

I have read all the posts for the last few days and I believe what Freeman wrote was directed at more than one comment and most likely out of frustration. Freeman Fisher is a wonderful person and I have enjoyed my relationship with him (through mopo, buying and selling and just conversing on the telephone).

He is a great asset to mopo and as Kirby said, more people should post. I like reading comments even if I disagree with them. What I dislike are stupid one liners that are meant to be funny but are a total waste of time. (Now is the time to attack me for that statement but please keep in mind that I am a thick skinned old bird.) I have loved every post Freeman has made and may he keep doing what he does best, which is putting words together like no one else. He is in a class by himself.

Claude L

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