Do other people here mostly known as 'dealers' also have a private
collection, or some posters they would never (or better 'currently') offer
for sale? (Sam, John Hazelton, Rich, Phil, Kirby, Tony, Grey Smith etc).

I can't understand how anyone who sells can't be a collector first

my collection spans across several hobbies (and these only talk about collections, not inventory) comic art (I used to have about 1000 pieces of top quality stuff.. now down to about 30 keepers)
some comic books, but not too much
paintings like Zoe Mozert and Rolf Armstrong pin up pastels and other stuff
pulp magazines (like comics not too many anymore)

Raymond Chandler pulps (I only need 1 more) first editions (not as much as Big Sleep is a $10k and I won't pay) and movie posters of which I have many but I don't have a Blue Dahlia 1sh or anything on Double Indemnity or Big Sleep. But I have most of the paper on Murder My Sweet which as Farewell My Lovely if my favorite Chandler novel

movie posters, stills and the like.. yes folks, I have about 2000 posters, about the same in lobby cards and they span from 1910 to current
I also have movie magazines with horror or film noir contents
paperback books
a large collection of photoplay editions - about 1000 of them
some toys and games
some gum and tobacco cards
many other areas and lots of miscellaneous material

I also have a large collection of art history, comic and film history books. maybe 2000-3000 of those those are most noticeable when you're moving
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