Bruce (if that's who you really are),

I'm going to suggest you avoid vacations in the future. You are a workaholic and so vacations are not healthy for you. They clearly impair your critical judgment. C'mon... you couldn't possibly have been serious when you said "I think this is one of the coolest poster ever."

I mean, we're still talking about the 1981 1 sheet for LIBRIANNA, BITCH OF THE BLACK SEA, right?

"one of the coolest posters ever"?

Yeah, right. So tell us: who are you really and what have you done with Bruce Hershenson?

-- JR

Bruce Hershenson wrote:
Forget the idea that this was a $20 poster!
I think this is one of the coolest posters ever. If someone out there has one in nice shape they will sell for $150, I will take it. And to prove how great I think it is, I will pay $300 for three of them, if they are out there! Bruce

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