I think the point is if the fakes were produced that is one thing, it is when 
they are sold for a profit without description as fake that is another. If 
Jaimie sold them without describing them as reproductions then he is in breech 
of the law, if he was contracted to produce them for a third party then he is 
not in breech of the law. If he takes a wage or service cost for materials and 
labour etc. then he is in the clear. It is the person that sold them for a 
profit and described them as original without restoration then that person 
surely is to blame.

If I had a copy of Turners the Haywain or Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and sold it as 
original the talented artist that created the item did it on commission and 
took his fee, when the item is in my hand then what I do with it is not his 
concern. Under the eyes of the law he is not in breech of his contract to 
fulfill a clients needs. 

However, morally I think we all know that to produce such items and not mark 
them as reproductions is perhaps the question here and that such a motive is 
with doubt. I am sure that the fake Lobby Cards that were "restored" must have 
een in such a quantity as to raise suspicion. Any person with an ounce of 
morals and scruples would certainly made the community aware that there are 
items out there now hat are good reproductions on the right material. If that 
had been the case then this whole case would never have occured. 

In the end, like most of you I have followed this closely, and I feel that 
those who are dishonest enough to cheat a man out of an astronomical sum in 
such a fashion deserves the full might of what the majesty of the law can serve 
sentence to.





-----Original Message-----
From: Franc <fdav...@verizon.net>
Sent: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:03
Subject: Re: [MOPO] James Gresham VS. Jaime Mendez Lawsuit DISMISSED!

Gee, why did I predict this one? The fact that he produced the fakes is
not enough under the law to convict him. FRANC

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] James Gresham VS. Jaime Mendez Lawsuit DISMISSED!

Was Michael Jackson ever guilty? Most said yes even after his court
shananagans were dismissed. Doesn't change the fact he is the king of

The law is an ass, always has been, always will be. My sister is now a
lawyer and she even thinks it's crazy. 

I have always had alot of time for Jamie, it's been dismissed so I guess
we should leave it at that and move on. I don't know every detail of
this case so am not going to label or comment.

Do you know now that in the UK, you can't carry a carving knife around
your own home as it's seen as a dangerous weapon? You can't even shovel
snow from the walkway incase someone slips. Slips on less snow than was
there before??? Crazy!!!

Anyway, I'll get back in my cage, could go on all day.



On 2010-01-12 11:49:48 +0000 James Richard <jrl...@mediabearonline.com>

> The thing is, Jamie publicly *confessed* to making the fakes and
> provided the prosecution with a list of the items he created. Whether 
> his cooperation with the prosecution now gets him removed from the 
> lawsuit or some other considerations doesn't change the fact that --
> his own admission -- he did the deed.

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