If Movie Nut wants further education on Mopo I have first class honours and
a PhD in English Literature, and while Tom's missives may lack a certain
accuracy in spelling and grammar they have a reminiscence of the stream of
consciousness of James Joyce. They are never less than entertaining,
frequently witty, usually informative  and always with the ring of plain,
old-fashioned honesty. Keep them coming, Tom, and more power to your typing

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Tom Martin <
dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote:

> dear Mr or Ms NUT..... it is true I write long emails, also I talk
> incessant and spell Horrible. and I quit school at age 15 actually I was
> EXpelled from school as in art class I drew a picture of Led Zepplin while
> the othe Kids drew Flowers,,, I wanted to play music.. when The kid got in
> my face and said Hey Martin why are you not like the rest of us and berated
> me for my painting as I was in a dream state imagining Plant and page
> onstage with Marshall amps blaring,, I picked up a ketchup squezze bottle
> of  tempura purple paint and squirted him between the eyes and said that's
> the point I dont wiish to be like "the rest Of You."..!!  and you, whomever
> you are should worry about what your posters are worth instead of my
> spelling unless you are a teacher and want to give me private lessons and
> turn me into evelyn wood speed writer!! If I had a bottle of tempra paint
> that would reach the UK... I would surely let you have it also as nasty
> rude people that think they can abuse and insult others and ridicule and
> bully... need to simply behave themselves... I may be a rambler but your
> words are foul and empty and lack compassion..If your a example of a
> educated person, then I am proud to be a illiterate and gladly wish to stay
> the same.. also I might point out most of my mentors and people I look up
> to lacked a formal education... George Eastman of Kodak quit school at 15,
> Henry Ford quit, EDison quit , the list goes on.. also did you know MOses
> spoke with a lisp? see.. Mr Nut.. communication as blues musicians clearly
> have shown and art, and emotion is not based on spelling or education.. or
> proper form.... its dancing around the form that allows us to feel and
> express many things like hurt , pain Love joy and fear and happiness..
> IMHO...so without insulting You...I will just say try to consider the Big
> picture of Life and people instead of finding flaws in others..Try to see
> good in people and help them,,,as you never know the entire story of why
> they are like they are,,, God bless and wish you a good future,, Tom
> On 2014-10-03 16:23, THE MOVIE NUT wrote:
>> Tom, are you related to Leo Tolstoy?  He wrote a book that is a
>> classic of Russian literature and it is very long.
>> Your responses are even longer, but unlike the magnificent prose,
>> yours is full of ramblings, dreadful spelling and terrible grammar.
>> You ought to be ashamed of yourself - especially as your scribbling
>> seem to suggest that you were a very low achiever at
>> school............................
>> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Martin"
>> <dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com>
>> Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 2:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] whats the deal ON MOVIE POster history where did
>> You get your info from
>>  hello mopers when I joined MOPO in i think te 90s It was to network,
>>> learn and share ideas and info and also find another ave to sell stuff..
>>> over the years I met many friends and its been my personal coffe shop where
>>> I also discus life, kids, peopel and about anything as this group is in the
>>> same field of work as I... howevere I also see to be a sorat black sheep as
>>> I amd not a die hard colector nor do I just stay in posters alone but all
>>> cinema.. even at that Iam like a small country doctor and have never
>>> pursued major auctions, or real high end iems due to lack of funds partly
>>> and partly as I have enjoyed serving everyone that show interest in movies
>>> simple and plain.
>>> so one of our memebers Jeff  after I posters the Jaws lobby set sad dont
>>> you know they are wortless because they are laminated?? well ive been
>>> thinking that very thing over last month... when I 1st met the man and saw
>>> his collection and overviewed I went stright for what I thought would be
>>> key items to get back my investment... I kept putting the lobbys aside as I
>>> also thought they were worthless.. as my posts on mopo will atest I went
>>> thru phases partly because I didnt know myself what was whet and Parly
>>> because I had to learn... when I asked about a 1947 returnof the spider
>>> 1sht I found it to be the only one anyone has ever seen and I sent phhotos
>>> of it to ed and sue Poole so it could be archived,,,I never knew muchon
>>> serials but after I looked it seems like a great serial I would like to see
>>> and the poster took on a special meaning to me as a important
>>> artifact...when I saw it the man said Its theonly one I ever saw....and he
>>> seemed like he liked it very much...I had no idea value.. but thought his
>>> could be a wild card..then was told maybe 200.00 by Rich.... I said even if
>>> only one in the world??? which got me thinking about entire poster prices
>>> and where we learn about values and conditions and all... so as I told
>>> jeff.... and Ill say... its my personal opinion that if a poster has been
>>> laminated of slabbed or linen backed If it is the original specimin it
>>> should be as important as any as its 100% genuine.. and has been sealed
>>> against color fades and any yellowing and deterioation... also I sasked who
>>> ever came up with the rules anyway??? what specialist where and when???
>>> what year and who where they??? sure the passed down tradition on news
>>> groups and auction house is all that but where did they get that Idea??? no
>>> one knows... when I asked abt the Spider poster,,, I looked at Bruces
>>> site.. In all my years he has been Honest and open and he has to gues many
>>> times himself as the facts are not there... actually ED poole called me on
>>> thephone to explain that they released Mlatary posters and that the morgan
>>> lith # matched the 41 release date but that it was printed as a combo
>>> poster,, when I mentioned this others skoffed at it... whenI asked then why
>>> hasnt anyone ever had one in auction or for sale--  silence...I thank ED,
>>> and Bruce as thay are very transparent but many collectors remain silent as
>>> eveyone would like to bu a poster at a steal .. I understand I also like
>>> deals but also ry to be fair to sellers and when I thought I may have a
>>> rare one I thought wouldnt it be cool if I could reward him witha bonus if
>>> I did super great.... so far I have got what I expcted  and a few things I
>>> thought where good have had minimum results but overall its been fun and
>>> its best teaching me about genres and getting me able to adapt to my
>>> lifestyle andmeeting old and new collector friends... Jef debateing with me
>>> made me consider why did poster peopel get set ideas?? he compared
>>> furniture as a sample..well years ago whenI coleced Guitars we liked good
>>> finishes also but then peoel lke he worn shop wornd look with gouges and
>>> scartches I guess as it looked played so Fennder even offered RELIC guitars
>>> where they intentionally distress them and screw oup he finish !! go
>>> figure!! so I told jeff I feel like Galilaeo.... and I say the worlds not
>>> flat,... as I saw posters are no worthless because they are encapsulated in
>>> plastic...these are in a rigid palstic.. ultra clear and whts cool is the
>>> cards are mostly as tehy where when seled so they are white. what confused
>>> me is that some are blatent reprints on Kodak paper so that threw me off at
>>> 1st,, but its prety easy to get a feel..so when I asked myself why would
>>> his detarct... so far no one has a answer....I thought these card show teh
>>> mage , are the cards from the date and look beautiful... also FORRY
>>> ackerman did this also;;and he was a colectors colector... the advantage is
>>> you can pass around and they wont get damaged Ripped, wet or torn and the
>>> images hold up.. how else could you show a group of kids that want to see
>>> Posters??? most peopel shudeer just looking atthem by themselves fearing a
>>> rip or soil etc... so,,I ask everyone who are the most knowledgeable peopel
>>> in Posters and where did they learn thier INFO?  also what guidlines where
>>> set and By who?? and where?  as far as professional dealers and appraisers
>>> who has the ability to state what is what unless they where ther at the
>>> time...and what bonifide proff is there...? printer record, studio
>>> records,NSS records.. thelist goes on and on...I would like to know this as
>>> I try my best to be upfront and accurate but as we know all these posters
>>> where never intended to be sold , given , away or collected anyways as it
>>> says on the NSS slug and so from that aspect its all contraband ,,RIGHT?
>>> when did it becaome acceptable to save and colect posters uses them as
>>> insulation and floorboards and the like.. it seems sinece the teens and
>>> 20s.. also If we examine the Movie industry itself,,the reason why hey
>>> ended up In Hollywood was to get away from EDIson trust henchman that where
>>> trying to make everyone adhere to his patents... so this is quite a
>>> elaborate issue of issues..
>>> In summery...:) I sell his stuff to help peopel enjoy memorys of Movies
>>> mostly... the images conjure up memorys of your fave films..and some look
>>> nice on the wall also... thats why I offer repros and ways so that the
>>> poorist of people can still enjoy that experience.. i also help die hard
>>> colectors find that gem they want,,I caution everyone against hording ,, as
>>> whati have learned is Life is very short.... the other day I had a roof
>>> replaced the guy said 25 year warrantty on thses...I said OK i  58 so that
>>> means ill be like almost 90 ....I dont think they need to honor the
>>> warrantty do you?? the colector I bought thee from wa 77 I think he also
>>> discovered life is short and just wanted to se somone enjoy them and get a
>>> good home as he worked so hard to save them.. as a steward of his
>>> collection I have gained a respect for many of the subjects he collected,
>>> the man and also the movie business and that why I have thought these are
>>> not worthless at all but are really what the whole idea of collecting and
>>> saving is about.. preserving for others,,
>>> even though not reverseable who cares?? why reverse it? these poser
>>> willoulive most of us...and already have survived without anyspecial
>>> treatments many since the teens and 20s,, like almost 100 years!!! if its
>>> in pristine shape 50 years from now these might end up being like the kemp
>>> niver paper 35mm prints that saved many lost films at the lib of congress
>>> some day... this man did Film a great favor,,,the fact I offerd at 5.00
>>> each is a small cost to the 100s of thousands paid for at auctions
>>> recently..so..I suggest everyone consider the motives.... save Film
>>> history?? or merely make money and make this material lost to public
>>> view... I want to make it available to public view and available to average
>>> people so they all can enjoy the artforms.. thank YOU for your time
>>> comments welcome please.
>>> where di you learn about posers?
>>> where did you get set ideas on whats colectable etc// who are your
>>> sourrces where did they learn..
>>> who are considered the most knowledgeable on posters and where did they
>>> get the info..
>>> unnless we where ther when they had stone litho presses who even knows
>>> that process?? where are the stone matrixs used?? you never see them
>>> because they grinded the images off to make new stone lithos..so its GONE!
>>> ----
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