why does he need to respond Tommy?
Those of you who don't like the BP can bid or not if you choose, HA isn't going to eliminate the BP because some people don't like it
so what comment would he make?
they have a BP. It's not a hidden cost. When I buy something, my only concern is getting it for a price I can deal with. Lately, because I'm largely winnowed down to needing the expensive or rare items, I'm having to deal with bigger prices and almost nothing I buy is under $100. in which case the bp means nothing to me, especially as I account for it when I'm bidding, always. I have a little paper chart next to the computer for the sig auctions so I can check it easily

the first time I ever bid in a live auction, I was confused by the BP. This would have been at a local auction to where I was living at the time. First time I bid at Christies in the 1980s, they had a BP.
I've grown up paying BP..

if I don't want to pay the BP, I don't bid.
exactly what solution would you be expecting Grey to post for you?


At 03:44 PM 6/17/2016, Tommy Barr wrote:
'Grey doesn't have time to mess with the group. he's making money for his employer'

Really? We know HA access this site as they promote their listings here, but he is so busy making money that he simply ignores a forum of collector/dealers, possibly some of his best clients, when his business model is being criticized, and that's not corporate arrogance?

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:29 PM, MPB Warehouse <<mailto:wareho...@comic-art.com>wareho...@comic-art.com> wrote:
unlike HA who have no outlay other than the cost of listing the item.

sorry Tommy, that is such a simplistic definition of the work involved in A) listing material for sale.. and B) being in business

I wish it was as simple as snapping my fingers, but first you have to gather (in HA's case) 500 posters
then you have to send them down to the photography dept
then they have to be individually catalogued
then the catalogued list needs to be converted or uploaded etc to the site
you have to promote the auctions
you have to answer the questions
then you have to have the orders pulled individually
you have to send them down to shipping
shipping has top package & post them
all that is just the A)

the B) is that you have to pay for your website, your rent, your lights.
you have to pay your employees, your software designer
you have to pay for all that advertising you do

I probably haven't even touched the surface

this is why I have fewer auctions, even when we work out the bugs on the new software - the labor is extensive and I have other stuff to do

as I said before, the silence from HA on this forum is quite deafening.

Grey doesn't have time to mess with the group. he's making money for his employer


On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:39 PM, Kirby McDaniel <<mailto:ki...@movieart.com>ki...@movieart.com> wrote:
David is correct.  Who wants to work for NOTHING?
Thanks, David.
Kirby McDaniel

On Jun 17, 2016, at 4:37 PM, David <<mailto:shadow....@gmail.com>shadow....@gmail.com> wrote: Have read all comments I guess the overriding point is going to be one of cost. Like everyone, it costs the same to handle a $200 poster as it does a $20 and so rather than turn away business at the bottom end HA are are simply going to charge you for it - why shouldn't they? How many dealers sell posters for a $1, and are happy to do so? I bet there is very few, most would not even bother stocking a $1 poster let alone selling one. Try selling a poster on eBay for $1 - by the time eBay take their slice of the action, the cost of materials, your time what's left for you? For others who sell via their websites you probably already know you can set a minimum purchase value on the shopping cart - if you have set one then what's the difference between you and HA?
It's expensive to sell stuff cheap.


Tommy Barr wrote on 16/06/2016 7:21 PM:
Just noticed that from this weekend Heritage Auctions is charging a minimum buyer's commission of $19, an increase of 36%. I just wonder how they justify that?

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