Thanks Horse, I hear both sides.  I'm glad there is not a committee any more
than there is in the private sector.  Healthcare is kind of like religion,
it is based on a lot of fear.  We'll see what happens here on the other side
of the pond.  Hopefully we can still go private.  Does the UK government
have any control over what private health insurance can charge and provide?


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 5:11 AM, Horse <> wrote:

>  Sorry Mark, I didn't answer this one.
> While there are shortcomings with the NHS, as with any nationwide health
> system in any country, it is a system that very few would be without. It is
> part of a National Insurance scheme and there's the clue. National
> Insurance. Everybody (more or less) pays into it and everybody benefits at
> some point in their life. It also doesn't preclude the taking out of private
> insurance if and when you can afford it, although many don't as they are are
> either quite happy with the NHS system. Personally I have private dental
> insurance which I opted for when my dentist decided to go private. NHS was
> available elsewhere but he's so good I opted to remain. My choice. And it
> costs a huge 11 quid a month for which I receive excellent basic treatment.
> The main point in my reply though was the idea that there is some sort of
> committee that decides on on the value of someone's life and applies that to
> their continuing treatment. Something similar may be in place within the
> private sector based on the level of insurance taken out and the financial
> commitment involved but within the public sector people are, in general,
> just treated according to the requirements necessary due to their illness.
> However, given that there are not infinite financial and medical resources
> available there will come a point when further treatment is impractical. In
> general though this is based on quality of life and not merely upon what the
> patient can afford.
> Overall, a very fair system and one I would hope the U.S. opts for.
> Horse
> As far as I'm aware, and having been on the receiving end of treatment over
> the years, my opinion of the NHS is that it is a service no-one in this
> country (or very few) would be without,
> On 21/10/2010 04:21, 118 wrote:
>> Hi Horse,
>> I suppose you would be more in tune with this than I, I left England 20
>> years ago and did use the NHS while I was there. But all I have are
>> stories
>> told to me over the last year.   I do have a lot of friends in England who
>> opt for private insurance because of fears on their part.  My
>> understanding
>> from them is that, being old, they are concerned about the scarcity of
>> funded healthcare in England which has resulted in guidelines for
>> providing
>> medication based on age.  Perhaps they have over exaggerated the situation
>> but they have suggested to me, when asked, that getting a nationalized
>> healthcare in the US is the wrong decision.
>> If I have misspoken I stand corrected.
>> Mark
>> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Horse<>  wrote:
>>   Hi Mark
>>> On 21/10/2010 01:26, 118 wrote:
>>>  For example the value of life will soon be measured (as it is in
>>>> England)
>>>> to determine
>>>> whether you should live or die.
>>>>  Really? How does that work then?
>>> Horse
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