Hello everyone

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 12:30 PM,  <craig...@comcast.net> wrote:
> An eccentric magician invites you to play a game.The game consists of 2 boxes 
> & 2 buttons.  He puts the same amount of money--either
> $0 or $1000--in each of the 2 boxes.  If you push the right-hand button you 
> get themoney in the right hand box.  If you push the left-hand button you get 
> the moneyin both the right-hand & the left-hand boxes.  Before you play, he 
> confides to you
> that he can read the minds of the players & he lets you watch
> several rounds of the game. Each time he puts no money in the
> boxes, the player pushes the left-hand button & each time he
> puts $1000 in both boxes, the player pushes the right-hand button.
> Now it's your turn.  Which button do you push?


This is like saying I am free to sit here and write to you or I am
free to get up and walk away in disgust. Freedom has nothing to do
with patterns! It is synonymous with Dynamic Quality; the lack of

Okay. Lets say I want to drive from Chicago to Miami. I am not going
to choose a route that takes me through Sacramento, California. Not
unless I have a practical reason for doing so. My determined
destination precludes out-of-the-way detours like that.

However! Lets say I decide to take a trip. Any trip. Any where. Now! I
am free! I have no determined destination! I am following Dynamic
Quality, the absence of all patterns. The fact whether I choose (or
not) has no bearing on freedom.

We must keep in mind though: ANY predetermined set of patterns we come
up with all rely on preconditions that exclude Dynamic Quality, or the
lack of patterns.

Does this help? Or not?

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