[Craig, previously]
> An eccentric magician invites you to play a game.> The game consists of 2 
> boxes & 2 buttons.
> He puts the same amount of money--either> $0 or $1000--in each of the 2 
> boxes.> If you push the right-hand button you get the
> money in the right hand box.  If you push the left-hand button
> you get the money in both the right-hand & the left-hand boxes.
>  Before you play, he confides to you> that he can read the minds of the 
> players & he lets you watch
> several rounds of the game. Each time he puts no money in the
> boxes, the player pushes the left-hand button & each time he
> puts $1000 in both boxes, the player pushes the right-hand button.
> Now it's your turn.  Which button do you push?


> This is like saying I am free to... 
Yes, but which button do you push?













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