On Jun 15, 2011, at 6:09 PM, david buchanan wrote:

> dmb says:
> Okay, now we're talking about the same thing.
> But I don't think free will is bunk so much as the metaphysical entity behind 
> it. Same with the notion that reality itself is a series of causes and 
> effects. That's very metaphysical too.  These are the two basic metaphysical 
> substances in subject-object metaphysics, of course. But, as you almost point 
> out, the MOQ does not dispute the idea that freedom and constraint are real. 
> The MOQ says DQ is the quality of freedom and sq is the quality of order. 
> Without DQ nothing could grow or change and without sq nothing can last. 
> Without static quality, DQ degenerates into chaos. With DQ, static quality 
> would fossilize or die of old age. And it takes a living being to negotiate 
> that balance. In that sense, freedom takes a lot of discipline. Static 
> patterns don't determine what we will do but they limit what we can do. 

Huh?  This is almost a good as you explaining how patterns and objects differ.  
What nonsense...  

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