Marsha asked
"What role do emotions play in consciousness?"

Well, our consciousness (the bundle of patterns that is us) are
conscious of them.
I feel my emotions therefore I am.
(What happens next depends on how you use your brain / body.)

BTW - I just blogged the clip you linked and also linked back to my
earlier piece on Haidt's Happiness, and noticed Damasio featured
heavily there too. I made a throwaway remark a few weeks ago that
there really wasn't very much contentious left to be understood in the
brain / mind workings these days - even things like "will" - one of
the reasons I get frustrated when we continually recycle old debates.
I still "feel" that's true.

Haidt is/was (almost) a total Buddhist, but just pulled back to a
position of dynamic balance in his conclusions.

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