Jan-Anders said:
In my view, MOQ  IS at the 5th level, because metaphysics is based "above", or 
"outside" the intellectual level.

dmb says:
Metaphysics is above the intellectual level? Metaphysics is just a branch of 
philosophy. It's the area of philosophy that deals with the most basic 
questions like, "what is reality made of?" and "how can we have knowledge?". 
Why do we need a whole other level of reality for that? 

I'm guessing that you take "metaphysics" to mean something that it does not 
mean. New Age spirituality, or something?

Thanks for endeavoring to clear that up Dave because I believe that is the core 
of alot of misunderstanding here.
It needs to be hammered on. The consequences of equating MoQ with "reality" are 
so great and far reaching
that it pretty much is a case of solving by redefining, you are still stuck in 
the assumption that concepts are reality.
Now some may beg to argue that concepts are reality, that static patterns are 
the flux of experience but then
we must ask how this differs from positivism. 

I think there are quite a few who do think metaphysics is a new age 
spirituality, this error in understanding
accounts for much of the assertions of Bodvars theories and mistakes.

This has always perplexed me that people here, on a philosophy forum, do not 
take the time nor the effort
to research what it is we are talking about, we are on computers for cryin out 
loud anyone can look up
any word or concept and instantly gain a better understanding of the terms and 
the theories as they are 
commonly understood and call them into question when used out of context or 

Arlo had a point, I think some here are in it for the AA meeting quality and 
are not interested in the philosophical
aspect, that shit is too square. When somebody points out that this is a 
philosophy forum and not an AA meeting
they get shouted down as a dogmatist, dialectician, academic, SOMist . Any time 
the living philosophy aspect
of this forum emerges it gets shut down by a disagreement of the very basics of 
intellectual quality.

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