Hi Arlo and All,

SOM MOQ.  Quality in SOM duality is an adjective modifying substance.

Quality in MOQ reality is a stand alone term, the base exploring existence
in the order of ever changing reality.

Evolution DQ/SQ probably could provide metaphysical limits to possibility in
the origins in existence.  Quality reality, creation?


On 8/12/13 10:21 AM, "ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR" <ajb...@psu.edu> wrote:

> Notice that the substance of my criticism, the nature and role of coherence
> and its relation to the intellectual level, and the larger issue of the nature
> of the intellectual level, have not been addressed. Not once. Even though you
> accuse me of being incorrect, the only 'retort' you can make is by
> back-to-back evasions.

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